The New Life Vest

No matter your politics, we can all agree America has a major problem with gun violence. How is it we’re becoming numb to our 44,000 annual deaths by gunshot? This “what can we do?” apathy is the enemy much more than politicians or the NRA.

If we’re unwilling to make major changes to our laws, then what common sense changes are we willing to make? Is it reasonable to wear a bulletproof vest for daily activities, such as going to the grocery store, attending a movie, work or school? We decided to answer this question with the New Life Vest—a fake product for a very real problem. On a shoestring budget, we developed social, digital, web, video and outdoor to carry out and share this social experiment with the collaboration of Change the Ref founders Manny and Patricia Oliver, the parents of Joaquin Oliver, who was killed in the Parkland, Florida school shooting.

13,345,350 impressions.
Featured in dozens of publications and on five news stations.
11,786 unique web visits.