Preston Spire Wins Bronze Effie Award for Second Harvest Heartland Hunger Awareness Campaign

MINNEAPOLIS—June 5, 2023—Preston Spire, Minneapolis’ independently-owned “Good Wins” agency, was honored with a bronze Effie Award in the Social Good-Non-Profit category for its “enough 2 share” hunger awareness campaign for Second Harvest Heartland. This is Preston Spire’s fifth Effie Award in recent years, which is among the most prestigious awards in advertising.
Preston Spire’s “enough 2 share” campaign is anchored in a social experiment that reveals what adults can learn from the kindness in kids. In the campaign’s primary video, pairs of kids are seated side-by-side at a dinner table, where only one child is served a bountiful plate of food — leaving the other child with an empty plate. The good news: within two minutes, the children that were served the food began to share with their tablemates.
“Seeing children do the right thing in this situation was inspiring to us, and most importantly, it serves as a great lesson that we all can learn from the kindness in kids to spread the good to people in need,” said Jennifer Spire, Partner and CEO at Preston Spire. “There are far too many children who face food insecurity, and this campaign was an incredible opportunity for our team to help make a dramatic statement.”
The campaign, which included television, radio, out-of-home, social, digital and a landing page, generated a spike in much-needed food donations for the Minnesota nonprofit — Second Harvest Heartland saw a 190-percent increase in holiday donations. The effort was especially needed given food insecurity rose 40 percent during the pandemic and Second Harvest Heartland was falling behind increasing demand.
“This is a much-deserved honor, and we are proud to see the ‘enough 2 share’ campaign celebrated for what it accomplished,” says Elizabeth Cooper, Chief External Relations Officer, Second Harvest Heartland. “Our organization is dedicated to addressing food insecurity and this campaign was a major tool to raise awareness of this issue and help feed kids and families.”
Preston Spire’s “enough 2 share” campaign was created by Chris Preston, Chief Creative Officer, Jeannette Tschida, VP Integrated Media Director, Aylâ Larsen, Senior Copywriter, Fernando Palomino, Senior Designer, Lisa Thotland, Executive Producer, Beth Elmore, Production Services Director, and Jennifer Spire, Chief Executive Officer.